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Hp StorageWorks Data Protector Express Package for Microsoft Small Business Server (BB118AA)

Hp StorageWorks Data Protector Express Package for Microsoft Small Business Server (BB118AA)

Fabricante : HP
Garantía de 2 años de fabricante


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HP StorageWorks Data Protector Express Software for backup and recovery provides secure protection for data, applications and systems.


Características técnicas
Hp StorageWorks Data Protector Express Package for Microsoft Small Business Server
Detalles técnicos
Capacidad de origen
20 GB
Dimensiones (Ancho x Profundidad x Altura)
13.5 x 1.5 x 19 cm
Paquete, peso
1440 g
Versión de Software
Características técnicas
High performance: multiple concurrent backup streams for faster, lower impact backups and faster recovery; automatic tuning of backup streams to match device and network needs and capability; three tier architecture supports multiple media servers to remove throughput bottlenecks. | Excellent value: one year HP support included with product at no incremental cost; unlimited Windows desktop protection include in base product; for Microsoft Small Business Server users, an excellent value package available to protect all Microsoft Small Business Server components. | Flexible usage and licensing: easy licensing structure for installation, upgrading and adding options; common licensing and features for Windows, Linux and NetWare; GUI provides a network view, of all machines and devices, from each protected machine. | Secure: encrypt backup data securely without compromising ease of use; supports tape drives with built-in data encryption and software-based data encryption; create multiple users with different permissions. | Simple and reliable data protection: for file servers, application servers and Windows desktops; fast and easy user installation and operation; does not require extensive training or specialist personnel; Windows-like, customizable GUI. | Backup to tape, disk or DVD/CD: easy to configure D2D backup; add D2D2Any option to automatically move and copy disk backup to tape; create bootable CD/DVD media or bootable tape media (with HP tape drives) for bare metal recovery. | Automated disaster recovery after a serious incident: add Data Protector Express Bare Metal Disaster Recovery option to create bootable CD/DVD or tape media (with HP tape drives) for fast system recovery; support for HP tape drives; One Button Disaster Recovery feature. | Ease of use: Pre-configured schedules for automated job execution; Wizards for most frequent tasks; Quick Access Control launches from the Windows System Tray to facilitate easy navigation to most frequently executed tasks.
Aplicaciones soportadas
Microsoft SQL Server 2005; Microsoft SQL Server 2000; Microsoft SQL Server 7.0; Microsoft Exchange Server 2007; Microsoft Exchange Server 2003; Microsoft Exchange Server 2000; Microsoft Windows Data Protection Manager
Requisitos previos de hardware
20 MB of hard disk space for Data Protector Express Catalog (minimum); CD drive for Data Protector Express installation (recommended); CD/DVD writer or bootable HP tape device for use with the Data Protector Express Bare Metal Disaster Recovery option
Requisitos del sistema
Mínimos requerimientos de sistema
20 MB of hard disk space for Data Protector Express Catalog (minimum); CD drive for Data Protector Express installation (recommended); CD/DVD writer or bootable HP tape device for use with the Data Protector Express Bare Metal Disaster Recovery option
Sistemas operativos compatibles
Windows 2003; Windows 2000; Windows Small Business Server 2003; Windows Small Business Server 2000; Windows Storage Server 2003; Windows Vista; Windows XP (x_32); Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3; SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10; SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9; NetWare 6.5; NetWare 6.0; Windows XP Professional (x_32); Windows 2000 Professional (x_32)

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